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Detection of inorganic arsenic, lead, cadmium, methylmercury and formaldehyde. Among the physical and chemical indicators in gbl0144-2005, inorganic arsenic only has limited indicators for shellfish, shrimp and crab, while lead only has limited indicators for fish, and this physical and chemical indicator is not formulated for other dried aquatic products. However, due to the increasingly serious marine environmental pollution, many kinds of fish in the sea have accumulated. Inorganic arsenic in dry aquatic products mainly comes from raw materials. There are too few physical and chemical detection items such as heavy metals in dry aquatic products, and aquatic products produced in the same water area will not be due to raw and cooked The reduction of water reduces the heavy metals originally enriched in skeletal muscle. It can be seen that although inorganic arsenic is more easily enriched in shellfish, shrimp and crab, the detection of inorganic arsenic is also indispensable in other kinds of dried aquatic products. In view of the pollution of fishing areas, cadmium and methylmercury exceeding the standard have also become a new problem for the quality and safety of dried aquatic products. Mercury plays a strong role in the enrichment of polluting elements. It mainly accumulates in animals. Its large accumulation in human body will lead to diseases of respiratory system, nervous system and bone. Formaldehyde is the main component of formalin. In order to prevent the deterioration of reclaimed water products during transportation or processing, producers often soak or spray formalin on aquatic products first. Most of them are treated with formaldehyde. Seafood and blistered food are relatively serious. So as to solidify the protein and play the role of anti-corrosion. The accumulation of formaldehyde in human body also affects the skin and respiratory mucosa, and even becomes one of the factors of cancer.

海产品生产加工的一个重要环节就是晾硒,这个步骤直接影响到海产品的卫生及质量安全。但由于我国很多海产品企业规模小,工艺落后,场地条件羞,海产品晾晒很不规范,没有严格统一的卫生标准。每当到了晾晒的时节,许多地方村屯几乎每家每户都在晾晒海产品,在住所旁、院子里、甚至垃圾堆边、厕所附近,能支起晾晒架的地方就都被利用起来晾海产品,并且多数企业在晾晒前都不会清洗,在晾晒过程中的卫生及质量安全无法保证,所以欧美日等 都对发展中 的海产品敬而远之。

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