ins买粉 马士基IT系统故障最新说明及应对

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[ins涨粉自助平台 润物粉丝网]

我们可以确认,2017年6月27日,名为Petya的网络病毒袭击全球,A.P.穆勒-马士基在全球多处办事机构及部分业务单元也受到影响。我们正在采取相应措施,限制本次事件的影响范围,保持业务运营。我们将持续评估事态发展,采取措施,将对客户及合作伙伴的影响降到 低。如果有进一步的消息,我们将尽快告知。

We can confirm, that on Tuesday 27 June, A.P. Moller - Maersk was hit, as part of a global cyber-attack named Petya, affecting multiple sites and select business units. We are responding to the situation to contain and limit the impact and uphold operations. We continue to assess and manage the situation to minize the impact on our customers and partners. We will update when we have more information.

马士基航运关于 新IT系统故障 新通知:

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截至目前,马士基 仍处于不可用状态

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