Bloomberg reports that the TikTok moderator, Candie Frazier, has filed a proposed class action lawsuit against the social media platform TikTok and its parent company ByteDance. Frazier claims that she has suffered psychological trauma from viewing disturbing graphics and videos, including instances of violence, school shootings, fatal falls, and fratricide. The lawsuit states that Frazier experiences trouble sleeping and has nightmares when she does sleep.
Fraser aims to include other Tiktok screeners in the class action, seeking compensation for psychological injuries and requesting the court to allocate medical funds for the moderator. Additionally, Fraser wishes to explore the concept of hosting on Tiktok.
与国内网友习惯发微博同理,海外用户对于娱乐内容的讨论更多发生在Twitter上。事实上,“娱乐”一直是Twitter上 火爆的话题之一。无论是全球广受欢迎的娱乐盛世、或是影视作品,都在Twitter上掀起了巨大的声浪:伴随《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》的上映,全球漫威粉丝不约而同地聚集在Twitter平台就#AvengersEndgame展开探讨,推文数量超过5000万条;而疫情期间,韩流男团BTS防弹少年团通过Twitter线上发布新专辑《MAP OF THE SOUL:7》,一小时的互动讨论量更是达到了惊人的120万,其中既有支持打榜,也有粉丝对专辑音乐、MV精彩画面的激烈讨论。